Purpose and Hope are integral parts of our lives. Jesus picked twelve regular humans and called them to a global purpose "Go and Make disciples of all nations". He then gave them an eternal hope, the hope of salvation and the resurrection of all who place their faith in Him. If you are lacking a true purpose in life or are feeling hopeless come and visit us. God wants to build you up and give you a purpose.
New Beginner Classes
Music is an integral part of worship. Together with the liturgy, the music is meant to engage our minds and emotions transcending us as close the heavenly realm as is possible in this life. We strive to play music that is both ancient and modern. You will see people singing, clapping, raising their hands in worship which is all part of loving God with all our hearts, minds, and strength.
The Service of Word
This is the prayer and teaching part of the service where the Bible passages are read, the message or sermon is preached, and the people join in prayers for our communities, the church, and for our needs and the needs of others as well as offering our thanksgivings to Jesus our Lord.
The Service of Sacrament
Sacrament is a word which defines an outward sign or symbol of an inward grace instituted by Jesus Christ. On Sunday mornings, Anglicans world-wide celebrate the Eucharist or communion. The Eucharist was instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper and is a remembrance of the gift of salvation freely given for the forgiveness of our sins.
So, come and worship with us. You will be blessed by our services which are instructive, refreshing, and transforming.
New Beginner Classes
- What is Anglicanism - a comprehensive class on the history and structure of the Anglican Church.
- Discipleship Class - have you ever wondered how we can best be of service to God? Well, this class provides what is means to be a follower of Jesus and to become a leader who can teach other people how to serve God and others.
Music is an integral part of worship. Together with the liturgy, the music is meant to engage our minds and emotions transcending us as close the heavenly realm as is possible in this life. We strive to play music that is both ancient and modern. You will see people singing, clapping, raising their hands in worship which is all part of loving God with all our hearts, minds, and strength.
The Service of Word
This is the prayer and teaching part of the service where the Bible passages are read, the message or sermon is preached, and the people join in prayers for our communities, the church, and for our needs and the needs of others as well as offering our thanksgivings to Jesus our Lord.
The Service of Sacrament
Sacrament is a word which defines an outward sign or symbol of an inward grace instituted by Jesus Christ. On Sunday mornings, Anglicans world-wide celebrate the Eucharist or communion. The Eucharist was instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper and is a remembrance of the gift of salvation freely given for the forgiveness of our sins.
So, come and worship with us. You will be blessed by our services which are instructive, refreshing, and transforming.